Gold Coast

Explore the Gold Coast
This western-most North Shore neighborhood where mansions and millionaires once abounded is epitomized in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. MORE INFORMATION »

American Dream

Explore the American Dream
America's suburban ideal is expressed in the western interior of the North Shore Heritage Area, near rail and road corridors. MORE INFORMATION »

Maritime Coast

Explore the Maritime Coast
Safe harbors and deep-water ports gave rise to working waterfront communities all along the coast. MORE INFORMATION »

Pine Barrens

Explore the Pine Barrens
Natural heritage is showcased in the Pine Barrens, one of the largest preserves in New York, which sits atop a freshwater aquifer formed by the retreat of the final glacial ice tide. MORE INFORMATION »

Harvest Coast

Explore the Harvest Coast
The North Fork of Long Island contains some of the most agriculturally productive land in New York State. MORE INFORMATION »

Essay Topic and Score a High Grade: Your Ultimate Guide

As a student, choosing the right essay topic can greatly impact your academic success. The topic sets the tone for your entire essay and plays a crucial role in engaging your readers. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective strategies for selecting essay topics and score ahigh grade that resonate with your interests, meet assignment requirements, and ultimately help you achieve a high grade. Let's dive in!

When Settling on an Essay Topic

Deciding on an essay topic might seem overwhelming, but by considering these factors, you can make the process much smoother:

1. Consider When Deciding on a Topic

Before choosing a topic, consider the following:

  • Your Interests: Select a topic that genuinely interests you. Writing about something you're passionate about will make the process more enjoyable and produce a better result.
  • Assignment Guidelines: Understand the specific instructions and requirements provided by your instructor. Make sure your chosen topic aligns with the assignment's objectives.
  • Target Audience: Consider who will be reading your essay. Tailor your topic to appeal to your audience's interests and preferences.

2. Common Mistakes Made by Students

Many students fall into these common traps when choosing an essay topic:

  • Choosing a Broad Topic: Opting for a broad topic can lead to a lack of focus and depth in your essay. Narrow down your topic to a specific aspect for better exploration.
  • Ignoring Assignment Instructions: Failing to adhere to assignment guidelines can result in lower grades. Always refer to the instructions to ensure your topic meets the requirements.
  • Overused Topics: Avoid selecting topics that have been extensively covered. Find a unique angle or perspective to make your essay stand out.

Showing How to Pick a Topic Once

When it comes to selecting an essay topic, a systematic approach can streamline the process and enhance your chances of success:

1. Start with a General Topic

Begin by identifying a general topic area that interests you. For example, if you're interested in technology, you can narrow it down to areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, or digital privacy.

2. Look for Inspiration

Explore various sources of inspiration to spark ideas:

  • Free Essay Samples: Reading samples can provide insights into different topics and writing styles.
  • News and Current Events: Stay updated with current issues and trends that you can discuss in your essay.
  • Personal Experiences: Reflect on personal experiences or observations that can serve as a foundation for your topic.

3. Consider Your Audience

Think about who will be reading your essay and what topics might interest them. Consider their age, background, and preferences.

4. Evaluate the Availability of Information

Ensure that there are credible and sufficient sources available for your chosen topic. You'll need access to reliable information to support your arguments and claims.

5. Turn Your Idea into a Specific Topic

Narrow down your general idea into a specific and focused topic. For instance, if you're interested in environmental issues, you could focus on the impact of plastic pollution on marine life.

6. Consider Your Major and Field of Study

If applicable, choose a topic related to your major or field of study. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and demonstrate your expertise.

7. Seek Feedback

Share your potential topic ideas with peers, instructors, or mentors. Their feedback can provide valuable insights and help you refine your topic.

Dos and Don'ts

When it comes to selecting an essay topic, keep these dos and don'ts in mind:


  1. Do Choose a Topic You're Passionate About: Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing.
  2. Do Consider Assignment Requirements: Ensure your topic aligns with the instructions and objectives of the assignment.
  3. Do Narrow Down Your Topic: Focus on a specific aspect to delve deeper into the subject.


  1. Don't Choose a Topic That's Too Broad: A broad topic can lead to a lack of focus and depth.
  2. Don't Ignore Assignment Instructions: Adhere to guidelines provided by your instructor.
  3. Don't Overlook Unique Angles: Avoid overused topics; seek a unique perspective to make your essay stand out.


Question: Can I choose a topic that's not related to my major?

Absolutely! While choosing a topic related to your major can be beneficial, exploring new areas can also broaden your horizons and showcase your versatility.

Question: How can I ensure my chosen topic is specific enough?

If your topic is too broad, consider narrowing it down to a specific aspect or angle. This will allow for in-depth exploration and analysis.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right essay topic is a critical step that requires careful consideration. By following a structured approach, considering your interests, and adhering to assignment guidelines, you can select a topic that captivates your readers and contributes to your academic success. Remember, your chosen topic is the foundation of your essay, so choose wisely!

For more inspiration and guidance on picking essay topics, explore a variety of free essay samples available online.

Embrace the opportunity to craft essays that showcase your knowledge and creativity. Happy topic selection and writing!

Useful Resources: